Training workshops and coaching by Patsy at qualitania dot com logo

NVivo workshops
Small group workshops or larger group workshops for organizations and research groups are customer designed and can be flexibly scheduled, either online or in person. Workshops include presentations, demos, notes and hands-on practice. They cover basic and advanced functions and tools as well as the opportunity for sessions for participants to work with their own data.
For the more interactive small group in-person workshops, it is recommended that ideally the number of participants be capped.
For workshops arranged to take place at your organisation's premises, for organisations that have not yet obtained the software, a 14-day trial copy of the most recent version of the software - currently NVIVO 14 - can be downloaded for installation and checked in advance of the training dates - though within the 14-day expiry.
Online option  
One-to-one online support is also available by arrangement. Access to a reliable online connection is important, and perhaps a headset if required to ensure optimum speech and audio reception.
Course pre-requisites
To obtain full benefit from the training participants need to be familiar with their (Windows or MAC) operating system and interfaces including file and folder management. It is always a bonus when participants are familiar with their chosen qualitative data analysis approach, but those who are new to qualitative research are, of course, most welcome!

For more information complete the Request form with your requirements.

Email support
Follow up email support can be negotiated for those attending workshops

Useful help resources for NVIVO are available from 'Links to resources' on the home page menu. Included are links to the support resources available from the QSR International web site.

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