Photo album of training workshops in Africa by
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MRC/CDC Entebbe, Uganda
HIV-AIDs researchers
NVIVO 7 training at MRC-CDC Entebbe Uganda

MEDUNSA, Univ of Limpopo
HIV-AIDs researchers
NVIVO 7 training for MEdunsa, Univesity of Limpopo, Garankuwa

CDC (Uganda), Sentinel Durban
NVIVO 7 training for CDC Uganda held at Sentinel Venue Durban

Univ of Limpopo, Turfloop Mentors and students
NVIVO 2 training for HSRC mentors and students at Turfloop University of Limpopo

Malaria researchers Kilifi Kenya
Course with Lyn and Tom Richards for NVIVO 7 training at Kemri at Kilifi in Kenya

More photos of Kilifi and Kenya

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